Food to Help You Lose Weight

What if you could choose foods that would help you lose weight?  Well, you can!  Track Your Plaque has publishes a list of foods that you can include every day to enhance your weight-loss success.  The following suggestions will not be effective if other diet choices include weight-promoting foods.  The foods listed need to add to an overall healthy diet program. 

Weight loss support foods:

Nuts—almonds, walnuts, and pecans. 

  • Nuts are usually thought to be high-fat, high-calorie foods.  That’s true if they are processed, canned, and packaged nuts.  Those are made with added oils and often mixed with sugary ingredients.  These will not help!  However, plain raw nuts are what you’re after.  They are rich in fiber and healthy oils and will reduce blood sugar.  Remember, don’t go overboard.  Too much of a good thing can go too far.

Oat bran

  • One unusual property of oat bran is that it can absorb a large amount of water.  In your stomach, it therefore occupies lots of space, causing a sense of fullness.  It also helps reduce cholesterol levels.

Soy protein

  • When used as a replacement for other protein sources (i.e. meats, dairy products) the result can be modest body weight reduction.  Premade soy protein shakes can be purchased or soy protein powder can be used to stir into yogurt or other dishes

Salmon and fish

  • We all know that fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.  Fish can also be useful in weight loss.  The healthy fat content of fish provides a satiety effect as well as slows digestion and the release of sugars.

 To read more, click here




127 Responses to “Food to Help You Lose Weight”

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    сэнкс за инфу!…

  22. gregory says:


    tnx for info!!…

  23. Milton says:


    спасибо за инфу….

  24. anthony says:


    thanks for information!!…

  25. Ian says:


    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

  26. Jerry says:



  27. Wayne says:



  28. Wade says:



  29. Victor says:


    thank you!!…

  30. Darren says:


    good info!!…

  31. Sam says:


    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!!…

  32. curtis says:



  33. Ronnie says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!!…

  34. Alex says:


    tnx for info!!…

  35. Harry says:


    thanks for information….

  36. Eugene says:


    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó!…

  37. Raymond says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó….

  38. Jared says:



  39. Raymond says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó….

  40. michael says:



  41. David says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

  42. clarence says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!!…

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