Archive for March, 2010

Breast Cancer Virtually “Eradicated” With Higher Levels of Vitamin D

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

In a recent Vitamin D conference that was held in Toronto, vitamin D pioneer, Dr. Cedric Garland, announced that “breast cancer can be virtually eradicated by raising vitamin D levels.”  

Dr. Garland stated that breast cancer is a disease that is very closely related to vitamin D deficiency.  He went on to say that a woman’s risk of contracting breast cancer could be avoided by elevating vitamin D status. 

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, an estimated 22,700 women would be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009.  Garland then showed data stating that raising vitamin D levels decreased breast cancer risk more than 77 percent

Dr. Garland also presented some new evidence that low vitamin D status could essentially allow rogue cancer cells to spread more readily.             

To read more, click here.