“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
-Thomas Edison
Proper diet and exercise are the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. While most of us know this, it is sometimes hard to get started. The article above gives some excellent suggestions on diet, but where do you begin with exercise? Below are some tips on how to get started:
Click here for more tips
A couple of weeks ago the Salt Lake managers put a little twist on their managers meeting. For lunch they were able to coordinate and make several dishes that are from our Tosh Health website! The food was delicious! They did a great job of picking healthy and interesting recipes.
The menu included:
Again, all of these recipes can be found at www.toshhealth.com. There are MANY more
as well, so look them up and enjoy eating healthy!
The first quarter of the Wellness Program is complete! As a company, we have lost over 1200 pounds! Congratulations to everyone for the amazing improvement we’ve seen. There have been several questions over the past couple of weeks that we would like to address. The following are answers to the most frequent questions:
Exercise is important. You need to exercise. But why? It is commonly understood that exercise keeps you “in shape” and helps lose weight. But what else can it do for you? The following points are some benefits of exercise that are not as commonly known:
Click here to read more!