A Pedometer is the Key to Fitness and Weight Loss

Kelli Calabrese MS, CSCS, gives some tips for using a pedometer:

  • Any time you are waiting, get moving.  Take a walk while waiting to pick the kids up from practice, waiting for your car to be services, or waiting for a plane.
  • Make it a family affair.  Share quality time taking an evening walk rather than sitting at the table eating or lying on the couch.
  • Keep a journal.  Note your total miles each day as well as your goals for the next day.
  • Park your car at the end of the lot or in the next lot over.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Meet friends for a walk rather than lunch.

107 Responses to “A Pedometer is the Key to Fitness and Weight Loss”

  1. phillip says:



  2. edward says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

  3. Ted says:



  4. morris says:



  5. Floyd says:



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