What Does Exercise REALLY Do?

            Exercise is important.  You need to exercise.  But why?  It is commonly understood that exercise keeps you “in shape” and helps lose weight.  But what else can it do for you?  The following points are some benefits of exercise that are not as commonly known:

  • Exercise Increases HDL cholesterol—when individuals go from a relatively sedentary lifestyle to moderate activity, they are able to increase HDL by approximately 5 points.
  • Exercise decreases triglycerides—dropping triglycerides by up to 100 points is possible if exercise is sustained and consistent, especially when exercise leads to weight loss.
  • Exercise decreases LDL cholesterol and LDL particle number—Reductions of up to 10% are common.
  • Exercise increases LDL particle size—increasing LDL particle size goes hand-in-hand with raising HDL cholesterol.
  • Exercise lowers blood pressure—blood pressure can decrease 2 to 4 mm when exercise is sustained and consistent.
  • Exercise lowers blood sugar—individuals with a borderline diabetic tendency can increase sensitivity to insulin by consistent physical activity.
  • Exercise helps control weight—Weight loss amplifies all of the above mentioned lipoprotein benefits and lowers blood sugar as well.


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59 Responses to “What Does Exercise REALLY Do?”

  1. Sidney says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  2. Cory says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó….

  3. Roberto says:


    tnx for info!!…

  4. karl says:



  5. Edward says:


    thanks for information!!…

  6. Nathan says:


    tnx for info….

  7. Kenneth says:


    thank you!…

  8. Miguel says:



  9. freddie says:



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